2013 speaker information
Baker, Tim
University of Missouri Extension 102 N. Main St., Ste. 1 Gallatin, MO 64640 660-663-3232 [email protected] www.extension.missouri.edu/nwregion/hort Tim joined University of Missouri Extension in 1992 as a Horticulture Specialist located in Southeast, Missouri. He received an undergraduate degree in horticulture in 1986 and a Master’s degree in horticulture in 1988, both from the University of Arkansas. Post graduate experience included working for the University of Idaho in their potato variety development program, before coming to the University of Missouri Extension. In 2008, he transferred to Northwest Missouri, where he continue working with the University of Missouri Extension as a Horticulture specialist. Bates, Marlin Suite 300 Kansas City, MO 64153 816-270-2141 [email protected] Marlin is a regional horticulture specialist for University of Missouri Extension in the West Central region of the state. Marlin works regularly with specialty crop producers in the Kansas City region. His programmatic efforts include production planning, pest management, marketing, and the development of new local-food producers through one-on-one consultations, workshops, and field days. Bixby, Shawn 20947 Hwy 54 Louisiana, MO 63353 800-435-8733 [email protected] [email protected] The last 8 years I've been with Stark Brothers Nurseries; 15 years previous I managed a 300 acre orchard in the Northeast and also owned a small 35 acre orchard of my own. Brainard, Daniel A440-A Plant & Soil Sciences Bldg Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48834 517-355-5191 x.1417 [email protected] www.hrt.msu.edu Daniel is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Horticulture at Michigan State University. He received his MS from Stanford University in Economics and a PhD from Cornell University in Horticulture with an emphasis on weed ecology and management in vegetable crops. Prior to graduate school he worked on commercial vegetable farms in the Northeast U.S., and served as an agricultural extension educator for the U.S. Peace Corps in Mali, West Africa. His current primary research and extension interests include 1) development of reduced-tillage cover crop intensive vegetable production systems to help growers improve soils and increase crop resilience to stress, and 2) weed ecology and management in vegetables. Byers, Patrick 2400 S. Scenic Avenue Springfield, MO 65807 417-881-8909 [email protected] Patrick is Regional Horticulture Specialist with the Greene County office of University of Missouri Extension. His educational background includes an associate degree from the University of Nebraska, a bachelor’s degree University of Missouri, and a Master’s degree from the University of Arkansas, all in horticulture. Job experience includes 3 years at the University of Arkansas Fruit Substation and 18 years as Fruit Grower Advisor at the MSU State Fruit Experiment Station in Mountain Grove. His current position of regional horticulture specialist with MU Extension includes outreach programming for commercial and home horticulture in the 16-county southwest Missouri region. Cain, Mark 1558 CR 548 Huntsville, AR 72740 871-545-3658 [email protected] www.drippingspringsgarden.com Since 1984 Mark Cain from Dripping Springs Garden in the NW Arkansas Ozarks has produced certified-organic vegetables, cut flowers, and herbs for the popular Fayetteville Farmers Market. Crops are also via a Community Supported Agriculture subscription group, a retail whole-foods store, and selected retail florists. Dripping Springs hosts numerous young interns each summer for an in-depth training in organic production, lifestyle, and marketing. Coolong, Dr. Timothy N-318 Ag. Sciences North Dept. of Horticulture University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40546 859-257-3374 [email protected] www.kentuckyvegetables.org Dr. Coolong is an associate professor at the University of Kentucky in the Department of Horticulture. He is the vegetable Extension Specialist for the state and conducts a wide range of research and outreach activities. His primary research area focuses on irrigation management of crops and conservation tillage. He also conducts research on low-input pest management and is the vegetable IPM team leader for UK. Cottin, Cole Cole works with her husband Dan to coordinate school gardens in Kansas. They farm on different plots of land in their area and focus their sales to schools for special farm to school events. Cole also works at the Kansas Rural Center as the Local Food Field Coordinator - Kaw River Valley Region. Daleo, Joan 92-98 Produce Row St. Louis, MO 63102 314-436-5010 [email protected] www.oletyme.com President, Ole Tyme Produce 2001-present, worked in various positions in operations and sales, 1988-2001 Masters Degree, MBA, Washington University 1993 Bachelors of Arts, Reed College, 1985 Depew, Barb Barb works for the Kansas Department of Education’s Child Nutrition Services with a specialty in Farm to School programming. Barb serves as the Kansas State Lead with the National Farm to School Network. Dobesh, Sharon KSU Plant Pathology Department 4024 Throckmorton Manhattan, KS 66506 785-532-1340 [email protected] www.gpdn.org Sharon has an M.S. in Entomology. From 1995-2002 she was a Plant Protection Specialist for the Missouri Department of Agriculture conducting nursery, greenhouse, sod farm and export inspections. In 2002 she joined the faculty at Kansas State University Entomology Department as the Pesticide & IPM Coordinator conducting pesticide recertification programs, IPM in schools programs, and giving presentations on wood-destroying insects and honey bees as an extension specialist. Currently she is the Associate Director of the Great Plains Diagnostic Network and National Plant Diagnostic Network Exercise committee chair working with USDA-APHIS-PPQ. Duffner, Paul USDA Service Center 1911 Boggs Creek Road Jefferson City, MO 65101 573-893-5188 [email protected] www.mo.nrcs.usda.gov Paul grew up on a corn/soybean farm in central Illinois and holds a B.S. in Plant Industries from Southern Illinois University and a M.S. in Agronomy from the University of Illinois. He was a Sales Representative with DuPont AG Products for 25 years in NE Arkansas and NW Missouri. He joined the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) at Macon as an Integrated Pest Management Specialist in 2002, Area Resource Conservationist at Jefferson City in 2003, Resource Conservationist at the State Office in 2007, and currently serves in the Area 2 Staff at Jefferson City. One of his responsibilities is the EQIP Seasonal High Tunnel offering in Missouri. Duschack, Miranda 2358A Klemm St. St. Louis, MO 63110 314-604-3403 [email protected] www.lincolnu.edu Miranda is a Lincoln University Cooperative Extension agent with the Innovative Small Farmers Outreach Program and is based in Saint Louis, Missouri. She directly assists both established and aspiring urban farmers. Miranda herself is a Saint Louis city urban farmer and honeybee keeper. Ellingsworth, Alicia 4223 Gibbs Road Kansas City, KS 66106 [email protected] www.cultivatekc.org Alicia is farm manager at Gibbs Road Farm of Cultivate Kansas City. The two-acre urban farm is certified organic and grows more than 25,000 pounds of produce annually for a 40 member CSA, two farmers markets and several locally-owned restaurants. Sales from winter production alone are expected to reach $20,000 this year. Alicia's experience in farming began in 2004 at an eco-justice farm in rural Indiana where she learned the basics of biodynamic growing, beekeeping and alpaca herd management. Eassum, Glenda Glenda is Farm to School Manager and Schwegler School Cafeteria Manager in Kansas. Glenda has been involved in the program for a couple years and believes in purchasing direct from local farmers to make her program a success. Fahrmeier, Lorin 1106 W. Main Blue Springs, MO 64015 816-655-6015 [email protected] Lorin works for University of Missouri Extension as the Missouri Farm to School project coordinator and serves as the Missouri lead with the National Farm to School Network. Fonseca, Jose 412 Marybrook O'Fallon, MO 63368 [email protected] Jose immigrated to the United States from Mexico in 1982. He moved to Saint Peters, Missouri with his wife and children in the early 1990’s and began working for Koenig Farms. He leased 10-acres of farm ground in 2004. Since then he has been raising vegetables and fruits to direct market at the Koenig family’s roadside stand, as well as through other outlets. Demand from Jose’s growing customer base began to outweigh supply and, as a result, he purchased 20 acres of rich Missouri River bottomland in the fall of 2009. Freeman, Matt 14006 Charles St. Omaha, NE 68154 402-301-6136 [email protected] www.gardenbig.org Matt is a student at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and will be graduating in May. He is in his second year of work for The Big Garden, a community gardening program of United Methodist Ministries, as the Seasonal Operations Manager. Following graduation in May, Matt will become the Rural Garden Program Coordinator. Garrido, Antonios 2377 CL 80 Reeds, MO 64859 417-310-0190 Antonios is an immigrant from Mexico. He lived most of his life in the state of California. Just like many other Litinos who were able to move out of California before the decline of the house market, Antonio was able to sell his house in California and buy a 140 acres farm in Missouri in 2006. Since then he has been grazing his land and breeding beef, these activities are complemented with a day time job where he lives. Recently, he was able to updated his farm equipment and participate in the formation of the Missouri Granjero Cooperative. Gobberdiel, RD.LD, Linda 5416 Boulder Drive West Des Moines, IA 50266 515-321-7853 [email protected] Linda has a passion for food and health which is the focus of my work. She supports and manages programs and projects that connect Iowans to healthy local/regional food and that build and sustain our local food system. Originally from St. Louis, Missouri, she is a Registered Dietitian and currently serves as Past-President of the Iowa Food Systems Council Board of Directors. She is a founding board member of the Iowa Food Co-op, and coordinator of the Eat Greater Des Moines Regional Food System Working Group. She is an avid gardener, marathon runner, and triathlon novice. Graff, Rebecca 18613 Downing Road Kearney, MO 64060 816-320-3763 [email protected] www.fairshare.com Rebecca and Tom Ruggieri tend 5 acres of vegetables, fruits, herbs and perennials for the 120 members of the Fair Share Farm CSA. Since 2003, the farm has used organic practices and involved the CSA members in the production & distribution of their food. Other practices include use of cover crops, renewable energy and minimal tillage. Gleason, Mark 313 Bessey Hall Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011 515-294-0576 [email protected] www.plantpath.iastate.edu Mark has been an extension plant pathologist at Iowa State University for 27 years. He works with growers to find better ways to manage diseases of vegetables, fruits, ornamental crops, trees, and turfgrass. Gonzalez, Eleazar 301 A Gentry Hall Columbia, MO 65211 573-268-5785 573-884-3240 [email protected] Eleazar has a multidisciplinary academic and research formation. Eleazar earned a bachelor degree as engineer in agronomy. His graduate history consists of two mater degrees in the Economic Sciences and a Ph.D. in Rural Sociology. He has worked in different research projects concerning the quality of life of the Latino community in Missouri. His main goal is to use research to discover new ways of helping Latino farmers and ranchers in relation to the whole community in general. He has published journal and conference papers on Latino communities. He works as a research associate at the University of Missouri. Gu, Sanjun 900 Chestnut St. Jefferson City, MO 65101 573-681-5524 Sanjun is the State Vegetable Specialist for Missouri. He is with Lincoln University of Missouri Cooperative Extension. He has statewide responsibility in commercial vegetable production. His job involves training regional specialists and help vegetable growers in the state. Sanjun is one of the key organizers for the Great Plains Growers' Conference. His research interests include vegetable and small fruit variety trials, vegetable grafting, high tunnels and Chinese style solar greenhouse. Hail, Robbins 12595 NE 50 Road Osceola, MO 64776 417-282-5894 [email protected] Robin and her husband Jim own Bear Creek Farms in Osceola, MO. They, along with their son, grow 15 acres of certified organic vegetables and fruits. They also grow organic transplants for both retail and wholesale markets. |
Hanson, Eric
Department of Horticulture Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 68824 517-355-5194 [email protected] Eric is a Professor and Extension specialist in Horticulture at Michigan State University. His primary responsibility is working with MSU Extension to provide production information to berry crop producers. I also research a variety of production topics, including fertilization, weed management, high tunnel berry production, growth regulator use, variety evaluation, and recently organic production challenges for blueberries and raspberries. Heldenbrand, Raymond 11393 State Hwy 6 Winston, MO 64689 660-749-5673 Raymond has been keeping bees for over 17 years, and brings a wealth of practical beekeeping skills and ideas to the conference. A resident of Daviess County, Missouri, he is well-known by local residents for his enthusiasm to help new beekeepers, and willingness to capture swarms and deal with nuisance bee colonies when homeowners call. He is also a Master Gardener and serves on the Daviess County Extension Council. Raymond is retired from General Motors, and the U.S. Army Reserves, where he attained the rank of Command Sergeant Major. Henderson, Deborah 8282 Forsyth Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63105 314-913-6632 [email protected] www.claytonfarmersmarket.com Deborah is a naturopathic doctor with over thirty years’ experience in all aspects of our food system. Deborah brings a wide range of knowledge to her current job as director and manager of the Clayton Farmer’s Market. She successfully lobbied for and helped draft Farmers’ Market Legislation in St. Louis Co, MO. Her efforts were followed by the Mo Dept. of Ag and the Urban Ag Committee who requested her input on the Marketing section of the State Bill. Active since the first wave of the “fresh and local food movement”, Deborah’s experiences range from organic farming to natural foods cooking and nutrition classes. She was the editor of a healthy eating newsletter and sponsored natural/fresh food based social events for families. Hernadez, Efrain 1701 SW 44th St. Lincoln, NE 68522 402-438-0714 Efrain started with community crops about six years ago and then got a place of his own. Right now he’s working for the same company (construction) and he farms, raises chickens (layers), broilers, goats, and rabbits. He lives with his wife, three children and a grand-daughter. They help out a lot and they like to farm too. He was born in Mexico and moved here and has been in Lincoln, Nebraska for about 9 years. Hernadez, Cecilia 1701 SW 44th St. Lincoln, NE 68522 402-326-5746 [email protected] Cecilia moved to Lincoln Nebraska at the age of 11. A few years after that, she and her family started farming with Community Crops. After this her dad decided to buy a place with land to farm and a place to raise chickens and broilers. She has a daughter named Amy. She is a student at the University of Lincoln Nebraska and she also farms with her mother, Maura. Jirak, Mark Jirak Family Produce 2107 Greenview Dr. Atchison, KS 66002 913-426-2013 [email protected] Mark is a Kansas native and Kansas State University graduate in Horticulture, Fruit and Vegetable Production. Employed by Syngenta and legacy companies for 27 years having been located in California, Pennsylvania, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa and Kansas. For the last 1.5 years managed the Syngenta Vegetable squash, cucumber, and melon portfolio. Also, produces vegetables on 14 acres near Atchison, KS with wife Theresa and six children; selling production at local farmers markets, restaurants, nursing homes, CSA, and institutional kitchens. Jirak Family Produce has grown vegetables for 10 years and melons are part of that production. Jett, Lewis 304-293-2634[email protected]. Lewis has been an Extension Specialist for commercial horticulture in West Virginia State University (WVU) since 2007. He specializes in the vegetables and small fruit crop production. He is passionate about developing practical, economical production techniques for commercial vegetable growers by organizing tours, workshops and production meetings that help growers expand their output. Lewis did research at Louisiana State University and the University of Missouri-Columbia prior to joining WVU Extension. He has also spent time in East Africa helping small farmers in Kenya grow vegetables. Kinsey, Neal 297 Co. Hwy 357 Charleston, MO 63834 573-683-3880 [email protected] www.kinseyag.com Neal is a Soil Fertility Specialist: Consulting with conventional and organic growers on farms, ranches, orchards and vineyards since 1973. Specialty: solving problems caused by deficiencies and/or excesses, by correctly measuring and providing specific soil nutrients to build fertility for excellent yielding crops of the highest quality. Correcting soil chemistry corrects physical structure that builds the “house” which maximizes conditions for biological activity. Presentations based on advice and experience with crops on soils received for analysis and recommendations from all 50 states and 70 other countries. Advise growers of major food crops including vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains and specialty crops. Kirk, Steven 900 Chestnut St. Jefferson City, MO 65101 573-681-5521 [email protected] Steven works with Lincoln University Cooperative Extension (LUCE). He assists Dr. Sanjun Gu, the State Horticulture Extension Specialist, as the Field Supervisor in charge of the LUCE Commercial Vegetable Program variety trials. He is currently involved in coordinating and planning tomato, chili and sweet pepper variety trials at LU’s Carver Farm in Jefferson City, MO. In addition, Mr. Kirk has been involved in seedless watermelon variety trials at Carver Farm, MU’s Southwest Center, in Mt Vernon, MO and with a local watermelon producer near Campbell, MO. Mr. Kirk has a MS in Horticulture Science, and has been involved in the horticulture industry the last 35 years. Kopmann, John & Shari John and Shari, along with their 3 girls, are the owners of 3 Girls and a Tractor Farm in Marthasville, MO. The Kopmann’s have been growing and selling for 12 years and have been actively participating in Farm to School work for two years with their specialty in melons. Kuepper, George 918-647-9123 [email protected] www.kerrcenter.com/staff/kuepper George has worked for 30+ years in sustainable and organic agriculture for various organizations including the National Center for Appropriate Technology's ATTRA Project. He is currently the Horticulture Program Manager at the Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture in Poteau, Oklahoma. George has a Bachelor's in Geography and Masters in Agronomy, both from the University of Wisconsin. He resides in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Lander, Vickie 848 Laurel Lane Beaufort, MO 63013 314-882-9642 [email protected] After a 3 year search, Vicki Lander and Jack Oglander acquired a farm property in Beaufort, Missouri, an hour drive to St Louis, their former home. Vicki is a yoga teacher and master gardener. She has over 20 years’ experience in horticulture, including farm manager for EarthDance, an organic farming apprenticeship program. Jack managed a business in St Louis for over 20 years. Both have a longstanding desire to live in the country, and to participate in sustainable agriculture. Flowers are their weapon of choice. Lang, Gregory Department of Horticulture Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 517-355-5191 x 1388 [email protected] www.hrt.msu.edu/greg-lang Gregory earned his BS at University of Georgia, his graduate degrees at UC-Davis, and has served on the horticulture faculties at Louisiana, Washington, and Michigan State Universities. He has worked in tree fruit production and environmental stress physiology, variety and rootstock evaluation, and innovative production systems, specializing in sweet cherries. Greg has traveled to all continents except Antarctica to speak and consult on cherry research and high tunnel fruit production and has authored more than 100 research and industry articles on cherries. In 2005, American Fruit Grower magazine listed him among their 100 Innovative Horticulturists of the Past 125 Years. Lominska, Bob & Joy 1954 Union Road Lawrence, KS 66044 785-842-5697 [email protected] www.localharvest.org/hoyland-farm-M5352 Bob and Joy met at the University of Kansas. In 1970 they joined the Peace Corps and served two years in Nicaragua working in the fields of agriculture and health and nutrition. When they returned to Kansas they were determined to learn to farm in a safer, more sustainable manner. In 1976 they purchased forty acres and a dilapidated home that they named Hoyland farm. The name reflects the topography of the Jefferson County farm and Joy's Norwegian ancestry. Bob and Joy had long satisfying careers teaching young children in the Lawrence Public Schools while they practiced and promoted sustainable, organically oriented market gardening. They are founding members of Rolling Prairie Farmers' Alliance which is one of the oldest multi-farm CSAs in the Country (1994 - present). Lowenfels, Jeff 6320 West Diamond Anchorage, AK 99502 907-229-5460 [email protected] www.teamingwithmicrobes.com Jeff is an international proponent of organic farming and gardening. And, he is also an award winning author of “Teaming With Microbes: The Organic Gardener’s Guide to The Soil Food Web, reviewed as one of the most important gardening books written in the past 25 years. It explains in lay terms, the science of gardening without chemicals. His talks and consultations have converted tens of thousands to the “no chemical” way to grow plants. He is the former president of the Garden Writers of America; a Garden Writer’s Fellow and was inducted into the GWA Hall of Fame. He is founder of Plant a Row for The Hungry, a national program that encourages gardeners to plant one row in their gardens dedicated to feed the hungry. This national program is an easy way to help make a dent in feeding the 35 million American's who go to bed every night wondering where they next meal might come from. Learn how the program started, its simple rule and how you can join in. Marr, Dr. Charles 1509 Westwind Dr. Manhattan, KS 66503 785-410-6421 [email protected] Dr. Marr served as vegetable KSU Research & Extension Vegetable Specialist for 37 years before retiring in 2006. He conducted vegetable trials throughout Kansas, taught classes in fruit & vegetable production and has spoken at many vegetable conferences around the US. He is one of the 'founders' of the Great Plains Growers Conference. McKay, Steven 3007 County Route 20 Hudson, NY 12534 518-451-0109 [email protected] www.micostaenterprises.com Steven earned his B.S degree at UC Davis in Bee Biology and International Agricultural Development. He also received a M.S degree in Pomology. Steven has operated commercial farms and food processing businesses in the U.S. and abroad for 35 years. His businesses have specialized in berries and uncommon fruits. Steven was also an Extension Educator for Cornell Cooperative Extension for 16 years. McCullick, Ronda Ronda is the Food Service Director at Park Hill Schools, located north of Kansas City, MO, and has been actively serving locally grown food to her students this year. She works with other food service directors in the Kansas City area to purchase more locally grown food for their school lunch programs. Millsap, Curtis & Sarah 6593 North Emu Lane Springfield, MO 65803 417-839-0847 [email protected] www.millsapfarms.com The Millsaps, along with their eight daughters and several apprentices, operate Millsap Farms, a 20-acre diversified farm in Springfield MO. They grow 2 to 3 acres of vegetables, with 10,000s.f. under plastic, using organic practices, for sale through a year-round 85 member CSA, farmers' market, and grocery stores. They are always looking for ways to do more with less, including energy and water conservation measures such as no-till, solar greenhouses, stored heat, etc. Morgan, Nathan 2665 Farnam St., Ste. 102 Omaha, NE 68131 402-415-6780 [email protected] www.garden.org Nathan joined the Big Garden as director in May 2012. A lifelong gardener, Nathan has a background in organizing faith communities around poverty issues and helping rural schools integrate gardens and greenhouses into their science curriculum. Murakami, Christopher 208 St. Joseph St. Columbia, MO 65201 510-409-0688 [email protected] After three years of teaching 8th grade science in East Los Angeles, I moved to Columbia, Missouri, and enrolled in a PhD program in science education at Mizzou. I am interested in cultivating learning garden communities that are dedicated to reconnecting people of all ages to healthy food grown responsibly. In 2012, I facilitated the learning and research for the Children's Learning Garden, a collaboration between the USDA-ARS People's Garden and the MU Child Development Lab. Murphey, Dennis 414 E. 12th St., Ste 2404 Kansas City, MO 64106 816-513-3459 [email protected] www.kcmo.org Dennis is the Chief Environmental Officer for Kansas City, Missouri. He manages the Office of Environmental Quality and provides leadership to City departments on integrating climate protection and sustainability into all city operations. He serves the City Manager, Mayor, and City Council as their primary advisor and source of information on all environmental issues. He promotes regional partnerships between the public and private sectors to address environmental issues and to incorporate sustainability principles into decisions made and actions taken. Nair, Dr Ajay 145 Horticulture Hall, IA State University Ames, IA 50011 515-294-7080 [email protected] Ajay is an Assistant Professor working in the area of Sustainable Vegetable Production in the Department of Horticulture at Iowa State University. The focus of his research, extension, and education program is on cover cropping, nutrient management, soil amendments and health, and season extension strategies in vegetable production. He also has an interest in local food production and works on production aspects and techniques needed to meet the rising demand locally grown produce. |
Navarrete-Tindall, Nadia
900 Chestnut St. Jefferson City, MO 65101 573-681-5392 [email protected] www.lincolnu.edu Nadia is Associate Professor and Native Plant Extension Specialist at Lincoln University Cooperative Extension. Director of the ‘Native Plants Program’ and the ‘Gardening as Therapy Project’. The Native Plants Program offers seminars, field days and has established native plant outdoor laboratories in different locations in Missouri. Both programs work with different ethnic groups and promote intergenerational relationships to improve their way of life through the adoption of healthy habits such as gardening and better nutrition. She is developing in Missouri the FINCA model: Families Integrating Nature, Conservation and Agriculture project with collaborators in Missouri and her native El Salvador. Nemec, Billene Buy Fresh Buy Local Nebraska 103 Miller Hall Lincoln, NE 68583 402-472-5273 [email protected] www.buylocalnebraska.org Billene has over 25 years in the farmers' market and direct-to-consumer market industry. Nemec's passion for great food tasting food, for small-family farmers who grow the food with integrity and her desire to preserve our agrarian heritage has only increased. Nemec's became a market vendor when her urban garden outgrew her family and neighbors desire for fresh local food. But finding a farmers' market in the mid-80's in the heart of farm country wasn't easy and so began the unexpected journey of managing and consulting others about the rewards of community based farmers' markets. Olsen, Rev Tim PO Box 91443 Sioux Falls, SD 57109 507-227-5919 [email protected] www.groundworks-midwest.com Tim worked for twelve years as a County Extension Agent in southwest Minnesota and northern New York. He continues to judge 4-H exhibits and educational presentations at county and state fairs in Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakota. Following a seminary education, Tim served churches in Iowa and Minnesota, and was an instructor at Sioux Falls Seminary. He has practiced sustainable gardening in three states, and is learning the science and art of beekeeping. Olsen is the Executive Director of Sioux Falls headquartered nonprofit, Ground Works. Tim and his wife Marty enjoy three grown children and spoiling five grandchildren. O’Malley, Patrick 3109 Old Hwy 218 South Iowa City, IA 52246 319-337-2145 [email protected] Patrick has interests in all aspects of horticulture and has over 30 years of experience in the field. He has always had a special affinity towards fruits and vegetables. His formal training has been in the Midwest and Hawaii (B.S. in Horticulture from Iowa State University, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Horticulture from the University of Hawaii). He has been able to work with both temperate and tropical plants. For over fifteen years Patrick has been the Commercial Horticulture Field Specialist with Iowa State University Extension for the eastern third of Iowa. Pendleton, Karen 1446 E 1850 Rd. :Lawrence, KS 66046 785-843-1409 [email protected] www.pendletons.com Karen and her husband John own Pendleton’s Country Market, a diversified farming operation. The farm grows a wide variety of vegetables, bedding plants, and cut flowers. They maintain a booth at the Lawrence Farmers’ Market, offer full service wedding and event flowers, and also have a seasonal vegetable and flower market on the family’s farm. She has been a member of the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers since 1993, and is currently President of the Kansas Vegetable Growers Association. Peterson, Doug 209 Ash St. Gallatin, MO 64663 660-425-4894 [email protected] Doug has been an NRCS employee for over 25 years. Currently he is the State Soil Health Conservationist teaching staff and producers around the state about soil health, how it impacts virtually all natural resource processes and what type of management it will take to greatly improve our soils health. He attended college at Missouri Western State University graduating in 1986 with a B.S. degree in Agriculture. His focus was Economics and Agronomy. He grew up on a crop and livestock farm near Newtown in north Missouri. Today he operates a cow/calf and contract grazing operation with his father. Currently they run 500 cows. They utilize Management-intensive Grazing and Holistic High Density Grazing to improve soil health, eliminate the need for most purchased fertilizer and limit hay needs to about one bale per cow per winter. Piñero PhD, Jaime 900 Chestnut St. Allen Hall 212 Jefferson City, MO 65101 573-681-5522 [email protected] Jaime works for Lincoln University Cooperative Research and Extension as an Assistant Professor / State IPM Specialist. His research interests include insect ecology and behavior, IPM (including Area-Wide IPM) and the use of this information to develop attract-and-kill systems and other behaviorally-based, sustainable pest management methods for improved production of fruits and vegetables. Examples of current research projects include trap cropping systems with a focus on cucurbit crops and push-pull strategies to manage Japanese beetles without using insecticides. He also has a state-wide Extension responsibility for all aspects of IPM in vegetable and small fruit production. Pisarkiewicz, Craig 2541 Link Ave. St. Louis, MO 63114 314-426-4838 [email protected] www.mprsupply.com Craig has been selling and designing Drip Irrigation systems since 1983. He is currently an irrigation designer and outside salesman for MPR Supply Company. He is a “certified irrigation designer” (CID) in Agricultural Drip Irrigation through the Irrigation Association. Porter, John 4700 MacCorkle Ave. SE, Ste 101 Charleston, WV 25304 304-720-9887 [email protected] http://kanawha.ext.wvu.edu John is the West Virginia University Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources in Kanawha County, home of the state capital. His expertise in community gardens and passion for locally grown foods has led to the development of a multitude of community and school gardens. He advocates making the most space through edible landscaping and other intensive gardening methods. Quinn, James 2436 Tanner Bridge Road Jefferson City, MO 573-634-2824 [email protected] James has been the Horticulture Specialist for University of Missouri Extension’s Central Region for 7 years. He was a wholesale greenhouse salad green and herb grower for 9 years in Michigan. Since moving to Missouri he has been involved in a wide range of agriculture projects, including greenhouses, vegetables, alternative agronomic crops, IPM, high tunnels, and medicinal herbs. James is responsible for three counties with numerous Amish and Mennonite vegetable growers selling to produce auctions. He also led a grant funded program for 4 years working with produce auction growers around the state. Reinbott, Tim 4968 Rangeline Road Columbia, MO 65201 573-884-7945 [email protected] www.aes.missouri.edu/bradford Tim has been the superintendent of the MU Bradford Research Center for 13 years. During this time he has explored new opportunities outside traditional agriculture including wildlife management, native plants, fresh water shrimp, and composting. The composting project grew out of the interaction of the center's vegetable trials and Tomato Festival with Campus Dining. Rivard, Cary 35230 W. 135th St. Olathe, KS 66061 913-856-2335 x 120 [email protected] http://www.hfrr.ksu.edu/ Cary is a Fruit and Vegetable Extension Specialist at Kansas State University and he is located at the Olathe Horticulture Research and Extension Center just outside in Olathe, KS. Cary grew up working in his parents ‘greenhouse near Kansas City, MO. He received his B.S. from Truman State University and earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from NC State University. His research focuses on the propagation and utilization of grafted tomatoes, strawberry management, and minimum tillage systems. Rodriguez Munoz, Brendaly Parkade Center, Ste. 213E 601 Business Loop 70 West Columbia, MO 65203 573-875-5540 x 3 [email protected] www.mo.nrcs.usda.gov Brendaly is the Soil Conservationist and Hispanic Emphasis Program Manager with NRCS Missouri. He started working with NRCS as a student trainee the summer of 2010 in Bollinger, Wayne, and Madison Counties. After that summer, he graduated with a Bachelor in Animal Science from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. He has been working with the agency 2 years in Boone and Callaway County, Missouri. Ruggieri, Thomas 18613 Downing Road Kearney, MO 64060 816-721-4456 [email protected] www.fairsharefarm.com www.airsharenews.blogspot.com Thomas and his wife Rebecca Graff farm a 120 member CSA near Kearney, Missouri. Conventional row-cropped farmland was converted to organic methods in 2003. Operating under the motto “feed the soil feed the people” they have steadily improved yields, quality and membership in the farm. The farm includes several sustainable energy systems, including a solar powered irrigation system and an electric tractor. In 2013 Fair Share Farm will begin its tenth season while expanding to 150 members. Seba, Renee Renee and her husband Charlie, with the help of their children, own and operate the Mule Barn Berry Patch in Lathrop, MO. The Seba family just completed their third year of selling berries at their farm and their first year of selling to local Missouri schools. Simonds, Charlie 12805 Rokeby Road Bennet, NE 68317-2061 402-782-2349 [email protected] Charlie, Retired State of Nebraska Apiary Inspector, Worked with brother-in-law Dale Bower, operating 1250 colonies of bees. For seventeen years worked with Dr. Marion Ellis inspecting bees for the State of Nebraska. Owned and managed Honey Bee World; a beekeeping supply business in Nebraska for fourteen years. Teaching for three years, Beekeeping for Beginners at Southeast Community College in Lincoln. Smith, Jennifer 2110 Harper St. Lawrence, KS 66046 785-843-7058 [email protected] Jennifer is the Horticulture Extension Agent in Douglas County, Kansas, where she works to educate specialty crop producers, lawn and landscape operators, consumers, and youth. Smith has a B.S. in Plant Science – Horticulture from the University of Missouri-Columbia and worked as a horticulturist for the City of Lawrence, Kansas, prior to her work in Extension. She is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Adult and Continuing Education through Kansas State University. Vincent, Jill Jill is the Food Service Director of Emporia Schools in Emporia, KS, and has been involved in Farm to school for two years. Jill has goals that include getting more farmers involved and being able to purchase more and more food straight from the farms. Wagnitz, Jeremy 279 E. Plant Science Hall Lincoln, NE 68483 [email protected] Jeremy received a B.S. in Horticulture from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2007 and a M.S. in Entomology specializing in Apiculture in 2009. After graduation he moved to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to work at the USDA Honey Bee Genetics and Physiology Lab. While in Baton Rouge, he was head of the Russina Honey Bee Breeding program. In 2011, he returned to Nebraska to start the Doctor of Plant Health program. He will be graduating with my doctoral degree in Spring of 2014. Wahle, Elizabeth 1 Regency Plaza Drive, Ste. 200 Collinsville, IL 62234 618-344-4230 [email protected] www.extension.illinois.edu Elizabeth is a Horticulture Extension Educator for University of Illinois Extension. Her area of expertise is fruit and vegetable production for both commercial and home growers and her outreach program also includes ornamental horticulture. She provides educational programming and materials in fruit and vegetable production, organic and IPM plant protection systems, production and protection of plants in urban and suburban ornamental landscapes, and delivers programs to volunteers within the Master Gardener Program. She has an 8-county service area that extends east from the metro-east St. Louis area. Walton, Sadie Sadie is a Senior Program Specialist in the Child Nutrition Programs Section with the USDA, Food and Nutrition Service. Sadie works with schools in the Midwest and Mountain Plains region in school food procurement and service guidelines for the National School Meal Pattern. Wilson, Jacob 900 Chestnut St. Allen Hall 302C Jefferson City, MO 65101 573-681-5591 [email protected] Jacob has a B.S. from Missouri State University in Wildlife Management. His professional experience and interests include Wildlife Conservation, Forestry, Entomology, Aquaculture and Research. He currently works in the Extension Integrated Pest Management Program at Lincoln University. Jacob, along with his wife and son are the 4th generation to live on his farm in central MO, where they farm corn and soybeans along with some fruits, vegetables and sweet sorghum. Wohlertz, Jerry 1831 N 1100 Road Lawrence, KS 66046 816-835-6034 [email protected] www.wohlertzfarmfresh.com Jerry and Jane Wohletz and their children began growing produce on their Lawrence, Kan. farm in 2002. They began selling produce at the Downtown Lawrence Farmer’s market, and as their reputation for quality and flavor grew, so did their garden. In 2010 they opened the doors to a U-Pick strawberry patch. Still offering customers at the Farmer’s Market the same great produce they’ve come to expect, the farm, now under the name Wohletz Farm Fresh, offers customers who visit fresh picked strawberries. |